Helheim 419 Online
There has been a lot of talk about some legacy servers lately. While this may be news to some...
25 Sep

Hello dear MU player!
It's been more than 2 years since the server was launched and it has been full of life💓, but it's time for some changes that you yourselves have been asking for for a long time.
What will be the changes? I give it to all of you to choose together, because after all, it is you who play on the server every day, dedicate your time and keep the server active.
Yes, at the opening of the server, I promised that no radical changes would be made to the server (new seasons/wipe, etc.), but currently it is felt that a fresh look at life is needed.

--- LV ---

Labdien mūsu MU spēlētāj!
Ir pagājuši vairāk kā 2 gadi kopš serveris ir bijis palaists un tajā ir bijusi nerimstoša dzīvība💓, bet ir pienācis laiks kādām pārmaiņām, ko Jūs paši sen jau esat prasījuši. 
Kādas būs pārmaiņas? To es dodu izvēlēties Jums visiem kopā, jo tomēr tie esat Jūs, kas ik dienā spēlē serverī, velta savu laiku un uztur servera aktivitāti.
Jā, pie servera atvēršanas solīju, ka serverī nekādas radikālas izmaiņas netiks veiktas (jaunas sezonas/wipe utt), bet pašlaik ir jūtams, ka nepieciešams svaigs skats uz dzīvi. 

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Currently this is only one server.